Community Family Violence Prevention Initiative Receives Donation

(Photo’s Widow’s Son’s President “Easy E” and Vice President “Tigger” check presentation to CFVPI) (CFVPI new entrance) 

The Widows Sons charitable contribution will help CFVPI continue to provide assistance to victims impacted and displaced by family domestic violence.

CFVPI, a privately funded victims’ advocacy organization, serving West Georgia since 2016.  CFVPI moved to a more secure location in 2020. 

According to the Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence, and the Georgia Commission on Family Violence one in three victims/families will be turned away from state shelters. 

The State of Georgia has around 47 tax funded shelters which serve all of Georgia’s 159 counties.

Georgia’s Fatality review statical data, means support and privately funded organizations is greatly needed. 

CFVPI’s advocacy mission is to promote community wide awareness and change through prevention education and creative collaborations to assist victims of family domestic violence. 

If your or someone you know needs help visit or contact the Georgia statewide helpline. 

Georgia DV Helpline 24/7 to get the help and support you deserve. Call 1-800-33- HAVEN (1-800-334-2836)
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