Carroll County Chamber of Commerce and Carroll Tomorrow Community Work Force Launch

Provided by Carroll County Chamber

The Carroll County Chamber of Commerce and Carroll Tomorrow, in partnership with the University of Georgia’s Carl Vinson Institute of Government, are excited to launch the 2023 Workforce Development Strategy. The community event is scheduled for Wednesday, September 6, at 10:00 a.m. at the Tisinger Community Center at Carroll EMC.

In the fall of 2022, the Institute of Government shared relevant community labor market data as part of the Carroll County Workforce Summit. As a result of the presentation, the Carroll County Chamber and Carroll Tomorrow embarked on a plan to create a more comprehensive approach to workforce development. Guided by a diverse steering committee of members from local business and industry, secondary and postsecondary education, local governments, and other community organizations, work began on planning and implementing the Workforce Development Strategy. Facilitated by the Institute of Government, the steering committee analyzed data and community feedback to develop priority areas and action items as part of the case for workforce development. The results of this process will be outlined in the community launch on September 6.

Workforce development is a top priority for community leaders and is crucial to long-term community success and growth in Carroll County and the West Georgia region. In addition to an in-depth overview of the Workforce Development Strategy, local and state-wide community partners will be on hand to provide employers with vital information on the many resources available to assist with hiring and retaining a talented workforce.

Please plan to join us to learn more about the Carroll County Workforce Development Strategy. There is no charge for the event; however, we ask that you register to ensure ample seating for our guests.

To register, please visit the Carroll County Chamber of Commerce at or call the Chamber office at 770-832-2446.

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