Life Insurance: Is Your Family Protected When You’re Gone?

With life and its unexpected challenges, what could be more shocking than the sudden death of a loved one? Not being able to pay off debt or a mortgage, cover the cost of funeral expenses and more are just a handful of the things Abigail Whorton, COO of The Whorton Agency, uncovered during a recent chat about the importance of life insurance. 

“I think we severely underestimate the impact of not only our presence in someone’s life but our fiscal impact on those around us – and the ease that financial security brings to your family unit,” she boldly states. 

Life insurance protects your family, and what that means for you is giving them peace of mind for the day you’re no longer here. And the real value to investing in life insurance is two-fold: honoring your legacy and easing the burden of losing you for those you love most.

“With life insurance, the monetary value of your policy truly comes when you die,” Abigail says. “And while that sounds harsh, it’s true. My own family faced the loss of my Dad two years ago, and it’s because of his life insurance policy that my Mother, sister, and I were able to grieve him fully and deeply without concern for our future. He encouraged us to be independent and to be able to take care of ourselves financially, and while we took that to heart and certainly do, his life insurance eased the transition of losing him and finding a new normal in a very big way.”

She spoke more on the types of life insurance the agency provides for clients at their local, second-generation, independent insurance agency. Her Dad’s policy, for example, was a 30-year term policy that was set to expire less than a decade after his passing. Whole life, term policies, annuities, and more are in their wheelhouse, and they prioritize finding the right policy for each and every client to best meet that family’s individual needs and desires. 

According to the latest statistics, the average funeral in Georgia costs around $8,000. “Do you have $8,000 to bury your husband, mother, brother, or child?” she asks. “We’ve seen policies as conservative as $10,000 and as extravagant as seven figures paid out in our time in business at the agency for our clients. It’s a beautiful thing to see in the midst of such tragedy because it means that someone cared enough in life to plan to take care of their family in death.” 

So do you have $8,000 to bury someone or $20,000 to pay off their debt? Do you have $300,000 to pay off your own mortgage if your spouse and their income are lost? Life insurance is there for you to cover these exact scenarios. It can help a young widow set aside college tuition for her toddler. It can pay for a daughter’s wedding and provide a down payment on her first home. It can create generational wealth that changes the course of your family’s future forever. 

While a somber topic, life insurance is truly peace of mind. Just like home and auto insurance, it’s all about best protecting the most important thing in your life – your family. Contact the team at The Whorton Agency by clicking here or calling 770-832-8998 to see how you can honor your loved ones in life, and in death, today. 

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