Board recognizes Gordy, Jones-Byrd as APOY finalists

The Carrollton Board of Education recognized two Carrollton High School assistant principals Tuesday night for reaching a pinnacle achievement in their respective careers by being named finalists in the Georgia Association of Secondary Principals Assistant Principal of the Year competition.

Susan Gordy received the honor for the 2019-2020 school year and Aprill Jones-Byrd in 2020-2021.

Because of a pandemic-related suspension of special recognitions at board meetings for more than a year, the board had not had an opportunity to honor Gordy and Jones-Byrd until now.

 “I am glad we finally have the opportunity to formally recognize them for a well-earned honor,” said Dr. Mark Albertus, superintendent.

The honor is awarded by the Georgia Association of Secondary School Principals annually. Gordy, who has been a stalwart of Carrollton City Schools leadership for almost three decades as a teacher, coach and administrator, retired in June but still serves the district in a part-time capacity. Jones-Byrd, who also has been with the district for years, first as a teacher then administrator, currently serves as an assistant principal and director of the CHS Performance Learning Center.

During their recognition, CHS Principal Ian Lyle, who is serving his first year as leader of the school and previously was an assistant principal alongside Gordy and Jones-Byrd, spoke of his appreciation for the work of his colleagues. He also noted he was a student at Carrollton Junior High School when Gordy taught math and Jones-Byrd science. Dr. Albertus, who also worked with both of them when he was the principal at CHS, also shared praise for them as determined champions of children.

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