Board of Education Recognizes Crossing Guards

Faces familiar to families who drop off and pick up their children from school every day were celebrated for their service and received special recognition at the Carrollton Board of Education’s regular monthly meeting Tuesday night.

Dr. Mark Albertus, superintendent, used the phrase “unsung heroes” when announcing recognition of the district’s crossing guards at the start of the meeting. Craig George, assistant superintendent of Operations, who introduced the 10 guards individually, noted these dedicated professionals ensure children arrive and leave school safely. 

The crossing guards recognized, in order of seniority of service, were Daphne Holts, 17 years; Ed Larson, 10 years; Linda Houston, nine years; Denise Boykin, eight years; Rodney Shivers, five years; Georgia Jackson, four years; Michael Boykin, three years; Wayne Hammond, six months; Kimberly Doss, three months; and Shareika McCoy, the newest guard, at just three weeks.

“This group of individuals play an integral role in keeping our traffic moving safely and smoothly,” said George during the presentation. “We cannot operate effectively without them and are very appreciative of their service.”

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