Carroll EMC Recognized for Workplace Culture

Carroll EMC linemen Adam Dalton (left) and Russ Williams (right) work on a distribution automation installation.

Top workplace honors follow Carroll Electric Membership Cooperative (EMC) for the seventh consecutive year as a 2021 Best Places to Work recipient by the Atlanta Business Chronicle (ABC). The recognition comes only months after the cooperative announced its Top Workplaces award from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.  

To qualify as a high-ranking employer, Carroll EMC employees were invited to participate in an anonymous, third-party survey conducted by Quantum Workplace, a research firm that administers workplace culture assessments on behalf of ABC. The questionnaire, consisting of closed and open-ended questions, measures their satisfaction and engagement within the cooperative and allows for honest feedback.

Results reflected both high employee satisfaction and engagement with the co-op’s family-like culture being a main driver. For 2021, 100 companies qualified for a Best Places to Work nomination including 45 small companies, 25 medium companies, 25 large companies and 5 extra-large companies. Carroll EMC ranked 19 in the large business category. 

“We’re in the people business, and we want to foster an environment that encourages both personal and professional growth,” said Kim Jennings, Human Resources Manager for Carroll EMC. “The workforce is changing, and we are doing all we can to meet the needs of our employees so they can better serve our Members.”

Carroll EMC is a Member-owned cooperative providing electricity to approximately 52,000 homes and businesses. The co-op serves Members in Carroll, Haralson, Heard, Paulding, Polk and Troup counties. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. For more information visit the cooperative’s website at or follow Carroll EMC on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and LinkedIn. Carroll EMC: Community Built. Community Builder.

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