Rotary donation to help COVID patients in India

Service Above Self, Rotary International’s motto, was put to practice Sept. 14 when Carrollton cardiologist Dr. Charlie Rouse, through the Rouse Foundation, made a $6,000 donation that, along with $750 contributed by the Rotary Club of Carrollton and a $6,750 match from the Rotary Club of Druid Hills, will provide funds to purchase six oxygenators for COVID-19 patients in India, a country experiencing havoc from the deadly virus. On hand for the presentation were, from left, Ursula Phillip, executive director of the foundation; Dr. Rajesh Mathew, who also contributed to the project; Dr. Rouse; and Mary Ligon, Rotary District 6900 governor who accepted the donation on behalf of the clubs. 

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