Local Organizations Receive Carroll EMC Impact Grants

Carrollton, GA— Carroll Electric Membership Cooperative (EMC) Foundation awarded 45 Impact Grants to charitable causes in the cooperative’s seven-county service area that totaled $138,011 in contribution funds. 

The funds will be used toward a variety of local projects to serve, protect and improve the surrounding communities and their residents. Since the first issuing of grants in 2002, more than $3.8 million has been given back to Carroll EMC communities. Health and human services, education and environment protection are a few of the areas that receive funding from the Foundation.

Impact Grants are made available to organizations through Member participation in Carroll EMC’s Operation Round Up® (ORU®) program. Members are given the opportunity to contribute by rounding their electric bill to the nearest whole dollar. These funds are separate from company profits and are only accessible to the Foundation Board of Trustees who award the donations to eligible partners. 

“My fellow trustees and I were so pleased to meet the recipients of the 2021 Impact Grants,” said Trudy Sowar, Chair of the Carroll EMC Foundation Board of Trustees. “The grant recipients submitted exceptional applications, and we all look forward to seeing the results of their work. 

“I received my electric bill the day before our reception, and the 79 cent round up had a special meaning to me,” continued Sowar. “It was a concrete example of how such a small gift combined with those of many other Members can make such a positive difference in our community. We encourage everyone to participate in ORU® if they are not currently enrolled.”

Impact Grants are only made possible through Member involvement. To sign up for ORU® or to view the complete list of Impact Grant recipients, visit carrollemc.com/impactgrants.

Carroll EMC is a Member-owned cooperative providing electricity to approximately 52,000 homes and businesses. The co-op serves Members in Carroll, Haralson, Heard, Paulding, Polk, Floyd and Troup counties. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. For more information visit the cooperative’s website at carrollemc.com or follow Carroll EMC on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and LinkedIn. Carroll EMC: Community Built. Community Builder.

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