Carrollton Elementary named Title I Reward School

Following a state review of 2020-2021 testing data, Carrollton Elementary School has earned the Title I Reward School designation, an exclusive honor reserved for the top 5 percent of Title I schools in the state.

Title I is a program that provides federal funds to local educational agencies and public schools with high numbers or percentages of children in poverty to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic content and student academic achievement standards. 

Title I Reward Schools represent Georgia schools that made the most progress in academic performance of all students over the most recent two years, according to the Georgia Department of Education. This honor recognizes schools and school districts for significant progress in improving student achievement and/or significant progress in closing the achievement gap.

“I could not be more proud of our CES students and teachers,” said Kylie Carroll, CES principal. “Together, they’ve shined amidst challenges, and they are most deserving of the Title I Reward School recognition. The Trojan Nation is TRULY a special place to learn, teach, and lead.”

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