Carrollton City Schools Board of Education takes Tour of RA-LIN Internship Program

Photo by Carrollton City Schools – Trojan Times

CHS juniors, seniors explore opportunity to pursue a career in the trades

Immediately following a work session held Thursday morning, the Carrollton Board of Education traveled to RA-LIN and Associates to visit the Carrollton High School construction internship program. Now in its second year, the partnership introduces juniors and seniors to what possibly could be a respectable career path for them that includes building a portfolio of projects that may help jump-start a career.

“While most students at Carrollton High School do attend some form of college, there are still those students who graduate and enter the workforce right after high school,” Dr. Mark Albertus, superintendent, told the board. “By exploring more options such as this internship program, we are expanding the potential of all of our graduates.”

Chris Stone, director of Field Operations for RA-LIN, is the instructor for the program and led the tour, along with RA-LIN President Ben Garrett. 

Photo by Carrollton City Schools – Trojan Times

“My role as instructor, curriculum writer and cheerleader is one that I take pride in filling,” said Stone. “Being in a position to pass along the little tricks of the trade is a role I never imagined. The time I spend with these students every day, modeling and practicing trade skills, is the highlight of my day – especially when watching their light bulbs glow when a concept hits home.”

Ian Lyle, assistant principal and director of Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education for CHS, noted the hands-on focus of the internship is a great benefit of the program. 

“The field site experiences the students are exposed to allow them to develop first-hand knowledge about construction situations that can’t be conveyed effectively in a classroom,” he said. “We are grateful to RA-LIN for providing this opportunity for our students.”

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