Coweta County: Location and Design Approved for Proposed Roundabout on US 29/Georgia 14 at US 27 ALT/Georgia 41 Near Moreland

Image provided by the Georgia Department of Transportation

The Georgia Department of Transportation (Georgia DOT) has approved the location and design of Project #0009967 for Coweta County, a project that would install a five-leg single-lane roundabout at the current intersection of US 29/Georgia 14 at US 27 ALT/Georgia 41 just outside Moreland. The design and location were approved on October 8, 2020.

The project will convert the intersection into a roundabout and also install pedestrian crosswalks and ADA ramps. It begins approximately 900 feet south of the US 29/Georgia 14 and US 27 ALT/Georgia 41 intersection and ends approximately 700 feet north of that intersection. The project is located at the southern border of the City of Moreland in Coweta County in Land Lots 165 and 166 of Land District 2. 

The project has an approximate construction schedule of 18 months. During construction, staging will be utilized to build the roundabout under traffic, so that the roadways can remain open. Temporary pavement, traffic shifts and occasional lane closures will be installed. 

Due to current COVID-19 measures, those who wish to view the drawings or plats in person must make an appointment in advance. Anyone wishing to make an appointment, or to ask questions or to voice concerns about the project, should call or email the area engineer for the District 3/Area 5 office:

William Boyd, District 3/Area 5 Engineer
[email protected]
1107 Hogansville Road
LaGrange, GA30240

Any interested party may obtain a copy of the drawings or maps or plats or portions thereof by paying a nominal fee and requesting in writing to:

Kimberly W. Nesbitt
Office of Program Delivery
Attn. Daniel Chastain
[email protected]
600 West Peachtree St. NW
Atlanta, GA 30308

Any written request or communication in reference to this project or notice should include the Project and PI Number (#0009967) as noted in this announcement.   
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