Two UWG graphic design alumnae excel on Home Depot’s Corporate Communications Team

Kristen Cone Moore and Carlee Marlow Powers, both University of West Georgia graphic design alumnae, work together for Home Depot’s Corporate Communications Team. 

But before their careers began, Moore and Powers attended UWG together and developed a friendship that has continued since their graduation in 2016. 

When Moore graduated in spring 2016, she began her career with Home Depot’s Corporate Communications Team. In fall 2016, Moore reached out to Powers regarding a position that was opening in her department. 

“It was November, and she reached out that they had a position on the team and that I should apply for it,” Powers said. “So I did. I had my job a month before I graduated.”

As members of the corporate communications team, Moore and Powers handle communications for Home Depot employees and the public. They are involved in various projects where they utilize their design experience and project management, which they honed at UWG. 

In addition to their design skills, both manage the development of major projects such as the company’s Annual Report, Responsibility Report and the Quarterly Company Earnings Materials.

Moore, who has worked at Home Depot for four years, is in charge of the Responsibility Report that is distributed every year. She is also the project manager for Orange Magazine, an internal magazine that is published twice a year. 

“The internal magazine goes to all of the associates, which is approximately 400,000 people,” Moore said. “I manage that process, and I get to travel for it, which is fun. I do photo shoots, help plan out the content and conduct interviews. Then I design the whole magazine.”

Moore also touched on her time at Home Depot and the exciting opportunities that she has been a part of. She was able to travel to Alaska to conduct interviews and a photo shoot for the internal magazine.

“We try to pick different locations in the U.S. for the magazine,” Moore explained. “We try to change it up each issue and we had not hit Alaska yet, so we went for a week to do the shoot. We interviewed associates, went dog-sledding and took photos.”

Powers, who has worked at Home Depot for nearly four years as well, is responsible for the Quarterly Company Earnings Materials that is posted on the corporate website and built from scratch. She also partners with the investor relations team to complete the Annual Report. 

Powers also works with the corporate events team on different types of events where she helps with branding and logo design. 

During their time at UWG, both Moore and Powers were involved with internships and developed skills through UWG’s art department.

“I grew so much and found myself at UWG,” Moore explained. “The department, our professors and all of the students made such a tight community. It was very hard to leave when I graduated because I was so close to everybody. I still go down and see all of my professors and talk to them because I’m still close to them. I still reach out to my photography professor for advice every now and then.”

To encourage connections like Powers and Moore have, UWG Alumni Relations has launched the UWG Alumni Mentorship program, which matches current students with alumni volunteers to create a mutually beneficial relationship focused on student success.

Powers, a native of Carrollton, touched on her personal connection with UWG. 

“I have a lot of family who worked there,” Powers explained. “My dad just recently retired from Publications and Printing. While I was in school, he helped me print all of my design work, and I could literally stand at the end of the printer and watch it come off. Those are some of my favorite memories. I have been around UWG my whole life, and I always felt comfortable.”

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