Mill Town Music Hall Announces Reopening Plan

Press Release by Mill Town Music Hall:

As many of you may know by now, Governor Kemp issued new guidelines for live performance venues beginning July 1. The Executive Order will allow us to resume our concerts on Friday, July 10, as we had planned.

Our staff is working to fully understand all guidelines and prepare for concerts in this new environment.

Here are some of the basics you need to know:

1) We will have masks available for any guests who would like to have one, but guests will not be required to wear masks.

2) The building will be thoroughly sanitized prior to the concert, and we will be cleaning certain high traffic areas of the building throughout the concert.

3) Patrons who have been diagnosed with COVID-19, are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days will not be admitted.

4) Hand sanitizing stations will be available in several locations throughout the building.

5) Other reasonable precautions will be taken to provide safe distancing in common areas.

6) The concert seating arrangement will remain as normal.

All 2020 concert tickets are now available

Details and concert listings can be found at

1) Call or come by the box office (770-537-6455)

2) Order online at

Friday, July 10 Exile kicks things off at Mill Town Music Hall: tickets are $35/$30.

Don’t miss Diamond Rio on Saturday, July 18: tickets for that show are $45/$40.

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