RiverLife To Hold Virtual, Week-Long “ServeCoweta” Event

Photo provided by RiverLife

Our mission at RiverLife is to help volunteers connect with opportunities to serve others right here in our community. Typically, we send groups of volunteers to offer critical home repair, build wheelchair access ramps, and clean up yards for seniors and those with disabilities.

In light of the coronavirus pandemic we have had to rethink how we serve those in need. We have been inspired by the creativity we have seen all over the planet with people sharing love and hope with acts of kindness and honoring those on the front lines fighting the virus. This global movement of loving our neighbors is the very heart of one of our favorite events hosted by RiverLife called #ServeCoweta. At this event, RiverLife connects volunteers from all over the county to people in need right here in our community.

We are excited to announce our Spring #ServeCoweta event is going virtual! Instead of a large kick-off gathering and serving projects in bigger groups at a one-day event, we have decided to offer more focused, family-friendly opportunities for smaller and safe interactions with those we serve. We also decided to go beyond the one-day event and create opportunities for the entire week of May 11 through May 16.

Beginning, Monday, May 11, we will connect volunteers (individuals and families) to our neighbors in need of yard cleanup and minor outdoor home repair projects.

For volunteers continuing to shelter-in-place at home, there will be opportunities to serve safely by making masks or creating thank you cards, gifts, or baking goodies for first responders, healthcare workers, community leaders, teachers, and pastors. RiverLife volunteers will collect and distribute these items.

Additionally, some of our community nonprofit partners are in need of volunteers, and we will connect individuals and families to serve these local organizations throughout the week as well.

The opportunities to volunteer are endless. We want to connect you to a service project that is meaningful to you and your family, follows physical distancing guidelines, and truly makes a difference in the lives of our neighbors.

Throughout the entire event, we will be using teleconference technologies to keep in touch with our volunteers every step of the way. We will offer live video check-ins throughout the week and offer video calls each evening to share experiences, celebrate community, and encourage one another. While the gathering of volunteers may look different, the mission of the event remains the same: to be One Community, Serving Together, Making a Difference.

To get involved, please visit www.servecoweta.com for details, to register for the event, or to give towards our cause.

Text RiverLife to 36260 to download our app. There you will find more information about RiverLife, what we are doing, and how you can get involved beyond #ServeCoweta.

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