Carrollton City Council Passes New Ordinance Effective March 22

Photo by The City Menus

In an emergency meeting today, Carrollton Mayor Betty Cason and City Council members voted to pass a new ordinance on mandatory social distancing, limiting social gatherings, and laying guidelines for restaurant operations in hopes of stemming COVID-19 transmission. The new ordinance will enforce measures recommended by the Federal Government, Department of Public Health, and CDC.

The meeting commenced with the announcement that 11 Carrollton residents had tested positive for the virus after an unnamed gathering that took place last week.

The ordinance upholds the guidance to maintain a distance of six feet between individuals in public spaces and now limits public or private gatherings of more than 10 people. Exemptions to the ten-person rule were given to any employer or employee in a workplace performing work-related responsibilities.

Exemptions will also be made for employees of “anything the United States Department of Homeland Security deems essential workforce.” Examples of essential workforces  include hospitals, hardware stores, restaurants, and grocery stores.

The measure also stated that any restaurants that remain open may no longer allow consumption on the premises, allowing take out service, “With further provisions to limit exposure during pick-ups.” Restaurants that serve beer and wine will be allowed to sell unopened containers such as cans, bottles, and growlers of draft beer to go. 

The downtown business district will continue to allow open containers to allow any business still operating to sell through open products such as draft beer or other spirits, so long as it does not result in any gathering of more than ten people.

The ordinance also gives the Mayor and any two Councilmembers the authority to close any public gathering.

Click here to read the full resolution notice from the City of Carrollton.

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