John Deere Donates Food to Central High School Food Pantry

Pictured from left to right are Cain Nelson, Tim Thomas, and Caroline Allen.

Mr. Tim Thomas and Mr. Cain Nelson from SunSouth donated more than 150 canned food items to Central High School’s Food Pantry. Ms. Caroline Allen, the school social worker, accepted the items on behalf of the Central Lion family. 

“The food pantry provides food for students and families to take home on weekends and over breaks,” said Ms. Allen. She continued, “The pantry is open and available to students to take what they need, and is always accepting donations!”

SunSouth is the local authorized John Deere dealer with more than 20 locations in the tristate area. The donated food items were given to SunSouth by individuals visiting the John Deere store to see Santa.

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