Chris Marlow Plans to run for Carrollton City Council Ward 4

Courtesy of Chris Marlow

Chris Marlow, 40, announces plans to run for Carrollton City Council Ward 4.   He is a Vice President of Sales for national accounts with Southwire Company where he manages 4 of the company’s top accounts.

“I was raised to believe that service to others is an important part of one’s character.  I’ve always been taught to give back and that democracy does not work unless you do your part,” said Marlow.  

Marlow graduated from Carrollton High School and went on to attend and graduate from the University of West Georgia and Auburn University with his MBA.  He is a member of Carrollton Dawnbreakers Rotary and is currently the president of the Carrollton High School Athletic Booster Club.  Also, Marlow is a current Carroll County Chamber of Commerce Board member.  He is married to the former Beth Lanxton of Carrollton, and they have two sons who attend Carrollton City Schools.  Marlow and his family attend Southern Hills Christian Church at City Station.

Marlow said if elected, he will watch expenditures within the city.  He noted that the combined general fund, sanitation, and water enterprise funds in 2015-16 budget was $40,834,277 and the city council and mayor recently passed a 2019-20 budget of a combined funds of $52,238,460.  According to Marlow, that is an 28% over 4 years. 

“I have a strong vested interest in this city and ward and would be honored to continue the progress already made,” Marlow said.  “I believe that we have something special in Carrollton and Carroll County which is unrivaled, but we must continue to make sound, smart decisions,” he said. 

Marlow said he intends to steer Carrollton towards its core values as a regional center for employment, retail, healthcare, manufacturing, and, of course, the home of the University of West Georgia.  “We need to continue to grow in a manner that builds upon that spirit and deters crime, calms traffic, controls taxes, and provides for the safety of our citizens and university students.” 

Marlow said that he will tackle infrastructure in Carrollton.  “I believe it is important to consider the same initiative happening on the Bankhead corridor along Maple Street and consider paving along with an attractive streetscape.”  Marlow said that he is proud of all the new structures that have been constructed such as the city’s new evidence building and the AMP at Adamson Square, but Marlow added, “it’s time that we also look to improve the city’s infrastructure along with considering smart development that fits the needs of jobs moving to the area.”  

Marlow said he will work to forge stronger ties with the Carroll County Commissioners and Carrollton City Schools.  “It’s simple- Carrollton is a great community, but I want it to be a great community for my children in 15 or 20 years if they decide to come back here to work and live.  The decisions the city council makes today will directly impact and influence the future direction of Carrollton.”

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