Newnan-Coweta Art Association Selects Linda “Rusty” Sharp as NCAA Artist of The Month

Courtesy of the City of Newnan

The Newnan-Coweta Art Association has selected Linda “Rusty” Sharp as its featured Artist of the Month for March. Sharp’s art will be featured in the City Manager’s Office at City Hall until March 31.

Each month a local artist is named Artist of the Month. The City has collaborated with the Newnan-Coweta Art Association and some local art galleries on this project. It gives local artists the opportunity to display their work in City Hall and a chance for the city to support the arts.

About Linda “Rusty” Sharp

Being a member of a very creative family, Rusty has always seen her family as her motivation. Sewing, crafts and planning from everything from walls to furniture were natural hobbies for her. With a degree in Agriculture, she taught school and had a long career as a flight attendant for Delta Air Lines.

Rusty, her husband and daughter moved to the Coweta County area 24 years ago. As a Master Gardener and 4-H Adult Leader Volunteer, she has become active in the community. “After retiring, I decided to become more serious about my artwork,” said Rusty.

She has studied with Tom Neilsen, Roger Dale Brown, Perry Austin, Larry Moore, Millie Gosch and Elsa Sibley. Her entries in various competitions have won awards that include “Best in Show”; including several pieces that are in private collections in the Deep South as well as the East Coast, with one making its way to South America.

“I think that any artist will say that they love the way they have learned to look at things differently,” said Rusty. “Colors, shapes, shadows and observing

About Newnan Coweta Art Association (NCAA)

NCAA meets the third Thursday each month (from September through May) at the Harriet Alexander Art Center on Hospital Road at 7 p.m. An art demonstration is presented each month. Visitors and new members are welcome.

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