Alexander’s Donuts and Bakery To Be Built in Newnan

Jonathan Dockery

Michelle Alexander, owner/operator of Your Chef To Go, INC, a catering business located in Newnan, has a passion. Her passion is feeding people. And because of this passion, a new retail bakery, Alexander’s Donuts and Bakery is in the works at 176 Millard Farmer Industrial Boulevard in Newnan.

Your Chef To Go was started in 2002, and moved to the current location on Werz Industrial Boulevard in 2007. In 2008 they purchased a mini donut machine and began to participate in Newnan’s Market Day and Taste of Newnan as a marketing strategy for the catering business. Alexander tells us that they create the majority of the desserts in house, and that their clientele has requested more.

“For years we constantly received requests to open a retail location so clients could come in every day to get coffee and something sweet.”

Michelle also tells us this is a “God Project.”

“We looked for several years before we found the property on the bypass, and it was through God’s blessing that we were able to acquire the property. Although it is taking some time to complete the project, we are making progress!”

At this time, the site plans have been approved and are awaiting adjustments from their architect in California. Once those are complete, a local architect will review and stamp the plans and then have the project bid out to local contractors.

“Our hope and desire are to have ground breaking by end of summer, but nothing is certain at this point,” Alexander says. “We’d love to have the building complete by spring next year! We’ll see…we know that God is in control, and it will be completed in His perfect time.”

As much as this is a “God Project” as Alexander tells us, this is all based on her passion.

“One of the major reasons we decided to expand and open a retail bakery, was to have an opportunity to give back to our community by providing a place where people could come for freshly baked products.” Michelle tells us, “We love to feed people, and we look forward to opening the bakery doors and having our friends and neighbors come enjoy freshly made donuts, hot mini donuts, artisan breads, cakes, pies, pastries, muffins, bagels, cookies, and every imaginable sweet treat you can think of, along with fabulous coffee and tea!”

Stay tuned to The City Menus as we follow this project step-by-step until we get a chance to eat wonderful sweets at Alexander’s Donuts and Bakery.

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