Sand Hill Elementary School Earns National STEM Certification

Sand Hill Elementary School

Carroll County School System is pleased to announce that Sand Hill Elementary School has earned the National Institute for STEM Education Campus Certification. Sand Hill is now the third school in the district to earn the NISE (National) Certification. The National Certification for STEM Education (NCSE) recognizes individual school campuses for their commitment to—and growth in—teachers’ implementation of 21st-century and STEM strategies. Evolving from STEM professional development and curriculum created at Rice University, the National Institute for STEM Education certification process integrates the most recent research and best practices in STEM, 21st Century learning, and professional development.

NISE is a support system for campuses seeking to improve their implementation of STEM practices. With the support of an experienced STEM leader, Dr. Marissa Ogando, Director of Accountability and Professional Learning, Sand Hill Elementary was able to craft and implement a STEM Action Plan to become a strong 21st-century STEM campus. The National Institute for STEM Education offers the STEM Teaching Certification and provides a flexible pathway for teachers wanting recognition, and support, for further refining their instruction by integrating high-yield STEM and 21st-century learning strategies. The National Certification for STEM Teaching (NCST) recognizes STEM professionals for their expertise in education.

With the continued support of our community partners, Sand Hill will be able to offer unique opportunities to implement the latest STEM instruction. Sand Hill is proud to partner with institutions such as Home Depot, A. Ritz Interiors, Farm Bureau, Tanner Health, Carroll County Master Gardeners, and many more to provide these opportunities for our students. “Our school is blessed to be supported by our community with monetary donations and those who give of their time.” stated Mrs. Carla Meigs, Principal of Sand Hill Elementary School. “Our students truly benefit from these partnerships within our community.”

Sand Hill is excited to partner with local community business partners to complete Project Based Learning experiences which will allow our students to apply their learning within the classroom outside the walls of the classroom. “We are excited to implement the latest STEM instruction across the curriculum. We now offer 3-D technology and printing, school-wide STEM days, and agriscience. This certification represents the commitment of our school community to provide a premier learning environment that is committed to student success,” said Mrs. Meigs.

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