Upgrades Planned for West Point WMA Shooting Range



Photo courtesy of Georgia Wildlife Resources Division official website.

The West Point Wildlife Management Area Shooting Range is set to undergo renovations this summer thanks to funding from state hunting and fishing license fee increases. West Point WMA, located at 5000 Mooty Bridge Road in Franklin, is one of three public shooting ranges due for renovations this year.

Walter Lane, Assistant Chief, Game Management, says the renovations planned will extend the length of the range, as well as add sound dampening technology.

“The plans were recently approved by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,” said Lane. “The renovations will include the extension of the shooting range from fifty yards to one hundred yards. We will also be renovating the firing line cover, which is the pavilion areas where guests shoot from.”

Lane noted that the state plans to install rubberized flooring and tectum panels overhead inside the pavilion to help absorb sound waves caused by gunfire.

“We did an experiment at one of our other ranges and found the sound-absorbing flooring and roof panels provided a great deal of relief from the concussive nature of the sound waves caused by gunfire,” said Lane. “This will make the range much safer for guests and much more comfortable to use.”

Funding for the range improvements came from hunting and fishing license rate increases as part of House Bill 208, which passed in last year’s state legislative session. 

Lane said the project is set to begin in July, and is estimated to be completed in March of 2019. To find out more, visit the West Point WMA Shooting Range website here. 

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