Freckled Berry’s Announces Liquidation Sale

Bren Williamson

A popular west Georgia boutique is announcing its liquidation sale, which will begin on May 17. Katelynn Johnson, owner of Freckled Berry’s, says she is pursuing a new career at City Station and plans to close the Freckled Berry’s store location at 150 Maple Crossing Suite 111.

Katelynn announced the sale on the Freckled Berry’s Facebook page.

“This community has been so wonderful to me, and I have truly enjoyed this business and all my amazing customers,” says Katelynn. “God has brought an amazing opportunity into my life that I am very excited about. I will be joining Mustard Seed Cafe at City Station.”

Read more about the Mustard Seed Cafe here.

Bren Williamson

She says that everything in the store must go—including displays, clothing racks, and decorations. The store will be offering discounts up to 70% off on items including clothing, boutique jewelry, home decor, Greek items, candles, name brand tee-shirts, men’s dress shirts and hats, and ladies’ accessories and shoes.

Customers may visit the store location, or purchase items online at the Freckled Berry’s website here. Katelynn says she is excited about the new opportunity and invites everyone from the community to come take advantage of some great deals.

“I love you all and hope that you will come and support me once again,” says Katelynn. “Prices will be the best you have ever seen! Items will not be marked down until Thursday, May 17. Everything will go fast!”

To find out more, visit the Freckled Berry’s Facebook page here, or email [email protected].

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