Vanité on Adamson Square Closes, Turns Focus to Online Sales

Vanité, a luxury beauty boutique located on Adamson Square, recently closed its doors. The store was known for carrying high-end clothing, accessories, hair and beauty products.

The location at 307 Adamson Square is now for lease, as indicated by a sign in the storefront window. Vanité, L. L. C. originally opened in the summer of 2016.

Owner Brianna Shawncee said she will be moving her store operation online in the near future, via her Facebook page.

“I will be taking the store completely online,” said Shawncee. “I will no longer be located on The Square, but Vanité is still up and running.”

Shawncee invites shoppers to follow the Vanité Facebook page, or visit the store website at to purchase products.

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