Board appoints Seagraves Principal of Maggie Brown Alternative

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The Coweta County Board of Education has appointed David “Skip” Seagraves as the principal of the Maggie Brown Alternative Middle School program.
Seagraves comes to the position after serving as the Assistant Principal of Arnall Middle School. The appointment starts July 1.
Seagraves began his career teaching career in 2001, as a special education teaching assistant at the Arwood Malcolm Education Center in Palmetto, Georgia. Seagraves joined the Coweta County School System as a special education teacher at Evans Middle School in 2003, and then at Northgate High School in 2005. He became Northgate High School’s in-school coordinator for special education services in 2009, and then became the Assistant Principal at Arnall Middle School in 2011. He has also served as Newnan High School’s cross-country coach, Evans Middle School’s boy’s track coach, and Northgate High School’s head golf coach. Seagraves has earned a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of West Georgia, as well as a master’s degree in Interrelated Special Education and a specialist’s degree in Educational Leadership from the University of West Georgia.

The Board of Education has also approved new assistant principals at four schools during June:
Angela Shoemake, an instructional coach at Arnall Middle School, has been named as an Assistant Principal at Arnall Middle School.
Dwight McDaniel, a teacher at Poplar Road Elementary School, has been named as an Assistant Principal at Ruth Hill Elementary School.
Jillian Andrew, a teacher at Smokey Road Middle School, has been named as an Assistant Principal at Brooks Elementary School.
LaRhonda Kirkland, an administrator in Thomasville City Schools, has been named as an Assistant Principal at Arnco-Sargent Elementary School.
All appointments are effective July 1, 2015, at the beginning of the new school year.

Coweta County Schools Press Release

Contact: Dean Jackson

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