West Georgia Regional Membership Program – ‘Always Have a Sale in Your Pocket’

Last year, Bowdon, Carrollton, Douglasville and Villa Rica Main Street program representatives came together to launch a regional discount card and membership program to encourage shopping locally-and more specifically shopping West Georgia Downtowns.

“This is something that each of our Main Street communities were already offering, so we thought it would be a good idea to work together and expand the benefits of the cards by making them reciprocal. You could purchase your card in your downtown, and use it there, but you are also getting to enjoy the benefits of discounts when visiting neighboring cities and their downtowns. In return, the businesses who participate are reaching a much larger target market and attracting more people into their shops and restaurants. It really is a win-win for everyone”, says Bowdon Main Street Director, Brandi Shirey.

With the introduction of the regional membership card, the discount cards can be used at participating merchants in Bowdon, Carrollton, Douglasville and Villa Rica. In an effort to create more unity and a larger impact, these programs have come together to create a single card and window decal that will be regionally recognized, along with a website where you can view the participating merchants and discounts.

“By creating this new website (www.westgamainstreet.com), we alleviate confusion on what the program is, how it benefits the West Georgia area and where patrons can use their cards,” said Douglasville Main Street Manager April McKown. “We hope by adding this component to the program, we will in turn have even more participation in 2017.”

The primary goal is to add value to the card. The more businesses that participate, the more each downtown becomes a destination. With that, there is an incentive to visit and shop West Georgia downtowns and experience all that each unique downtown has to offer. Merchants can sign up to participate and extend a discount by contacting their Main Street Program representative. Anyone who wishes to support local downtowns can purchase the discount cards.

To purchase a discount card from the Main Street Bowdon Office, visit City Hall. To purchase a discount card from the Main Street Carrollton Office, visit the Main Street Office. To purchase a discount card from the Main Street Douglasville Office, visit the Welcome Center. To purchase a discount card from the Main Street Villa Rica Office, visit the Main Street office. Cards can be purchased for $25 for a single membership (1 card), or $45 for a family membership (2 cards). These dollars go directly to the Main Street program in which the purchase was made.

These funds will be used to help the respective Main Street programs host annual events, organize downtown clean-ups, promote small businesses and more.

Everyone who loves a good ‘sale in their pocket’ is encouraged to go out and buy a card in their community.

Bowdon Main Street – Brandi Shirey

Carrollton Main Street – Scott Ballentine

Main Street Douglasville – April McKown

Villa Rica Main Street – Christopher Pike


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