Douglas County Government Recognized by Georgia Communte Options

Douglas County was recently recognized as a Platinum Partner by Georgia Commute Options, signifying the County’s commitment to providing alternatives to driving alone to work. Douglas County Rideshare, the only County-operated program in the State, was recognized for its outstanding record.

In 2016, Douglas County Rideshare averaged 375 vanpool riders each month, and 9,500 average GRTA Xpress bus riders each month. It maintains 43 vanpool routes, and clocked 5,100,000 total vanpool passenger miles. Rideshare has a voucher program that helps senior adults and disabled individuals plan and pay for their transportation needs.

Douglas County Communications’ efforts were also noted for its extensive efforts to promote vanpooling and the GRTA Xpress bus system, and putting together industries and Rideshare/Georgia Commute Options to create new ride sharing possibilities.

For an employer to qualify as a Platinum Partner, at least 20 percent of all employee trips to the worksite must involve alternatives to driving alone, and companies must actively educate employees about commute options. Douglas County allows telecommuting for its employees who qualify.

Ms. Elaine Mayo presented the recognition to Mr. Gary Watson, Rideshare Director, and Ms. Davidae Walker, Assistant Director.



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