Back in July, we broke the story that popular retailer The Vitamin Shoppe would be taking the spot vacated just a month earlier by Provino’s Italian. Today we got confirmation that the retailer will celebrate its grand opening this weekend. Crews have been at work putting the final touches on the store both inside and out. The shelving inside is in place and product is stocked, the outside looks good as well. On a related note, the other space that the now closed Provino’s gave new life to is being worked on right next door to The Vitamin Shoppe. It was pointed out to us back in August from city council items that this new space will be a massage parlor, but no name for the parlor has been announced. As of now, the work being done to the space is from the landlord of the shopping center. We’ll keep you updated on progress for this space. For now, we welcome The Vitamin Shoppe to Douglasville!