Relief is on the way to a county intersection plagued by poor design and congestion…sadly, its not the one you’re thinking of (Hwy 5 and Douglas Blvd). The Intersection of Thornton Rd and Maxham Rd is the bane of all commuters in East Douglas County coming in from Cobb County. During peak hours the backup piles past the Birch Landing Apartments. The residents of those apartments have to wait until courteous drivers let them turn left into the complex due to no left turn lane traveling west toward the intersection. The entrance into and out of the Kroger shopping center can seem like a demolition derby at some times of day. This intersection has been tinkered and toyed with over the years to provide a solution that has never really solved the problem. In 2016, GDOT and Douglas County plan to change that.
The Intersection is about to get a major overhaul, one that should finally address the traffic and safety issues that hound commuters who use that intersection daily. We got the details from the County Communications office:
“The project includes widening existing lanes to accommodate a planned median installation and turn lanes between the directional lanes of Maxham Road. There will also be a change of lane assignments and the elimination of weaving to help reduce traffic congestion. The project also includes sidewalks on both sides of Maxham Road to serve two major apartment complexes to provide direct pedestrian access to the retail commercial area. The entrance to the Kroger Shopping Center off Maxham Road will be reconstructed for right- and left-turn in, but only right-turn out on Maxham Road. Traffic islands will be constructed at the Maxham Road/Thornton Road intersection.
The project is estimated to cost $1,320,000 of which $1,056,000 will be funded under the Freight Operations and Safety Program of the U. S. Department of Transportation. Local funds of $264,000 have been budgeted by the Douglas County Board of Commissioners.”
There will be a project open house for residents to look at maps, diagrams and other materials on the project for discussion and public input. This will be held on Tuesday August 18 from 6pm-8pm at the Holiday Inn Express at 850 Crestmark Dr in Lithia Springs. Like similar GDOT open houses, there will be no formal presentation, just representatives on hand to answer any questions or concerns you have on the project.
Information courtesy of Wes Tallon.