Summer Construction Projects Slated For County Schools

The South Douglas/Fairplay School Zones
The South Douglas/Fairplay School Zones

As the kids get the rest and relaxation they need for the summer, several projects are being worked on at area schools to improve the conditions. This happens every summer various schools throughout the county. This year has a wide range of projects and improvements. We’re going to list them below so you can see if your child’s school will look just a little different come fall this year. The projects included are expected to be complete before the school year returns, but occasionally the work overlaps slightly into the school year.

The Summer 2015 project and improvements to Douglas County Schools include:

– South Douglas Elementary School new floor replacement, as well as replacement of the gym floor.

– Burnett Elementary School roof improvements and modifications

– Winston Elementary Stage improvements and new stage curtain

– Improvements to the Lithia Springs High School stadium that include drainage improvements and retaining wall reconstruction

– The completion of Chapel Hill and Alexander High School’s new Gymnasiums

– The completion of Douglas County High School’s new Freshman Academy Building

– Chapel Hill High School roof improvements and modifications.

If any other improvements are added to the list as last minute projects, we will keep you posted here.

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