Name Change for A Local Bank

Servis 1st Bank, formally Metro Bank on Chapel Hill Rd.
Servis 1st Bank, formally Metro Bank on Chapel Hill Rd.

A few years ago, a local bank decided to take a chance on a spot that before that had not been too successful. When The Landing At Arbor Place opened in 1999, the spot located next to the Men’s Warehouse next to the front entrance of the Landing was Hops Bar and Grill. A place for Steaks and micro brewed beer, the chain left shortly after in 2004. Alpine Steakhouse then occupied the spot moving from Hwy 5 where Cinco De Mayo is located now (and for the older residents among us, Taco Mac was long before their current location on Douglas Blvd). Closed in 2006, A place called Chancey’s took the spot, also to close shortly after opening. Metro Bank then bought the spot in 2011 and converted the original restaurant spot into a new, modern looking bank. Since opening, Metro Bank got locally involved with events and schools in Douglas Co staking out a spot in our community of business partners for the city. Back in October, Metro Bank announced that it would merge their operations with Servis 1st Bankshares. In January, the bank closed for a day or two to convert to the new name, emerging Feb 2 as Servis 1st Bank. Customers and community partners will notice no difference in service or commitment to the city.

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