Carrollton Intersection Realignment Nears Completion

One of Carrollton’s busiest intersections will soon have a new look. The Maple Street, Alabama Street, and Presbyterian Avenue intersection realignment project is expected to be completed in the coming weeks, according to Carrollton City Engineer Tommy Holland.

“It’s taking a bit longer than expected because we wanted to go ahead and install undergound conduit so that we could eventually bury some of the overhead powerlines in the future,” said Holland. “We figured that since we have already torn up much of the roadway in that area, that we would go ahead and do this so we wouldn’t have to come back at a later time if we wanted to go underground with those power lines.”

Holland said the city has been working with the Georgia Power Company, and AT&T to plan the potential moving of power lines underground at the intersection.

The City finalized plans earlier this year for what was labeled as a “problem intersection” for Carrollton motorists.

“What we are doing is taking out the traffic light at the intersection of Barnes, Maple, and Alabama Streets, and making it a right-in, right-out intersection,” said City Manager Tim Grizzard. “What that means is drivers will turn right into Maple Street from Alabama Street, and turn right out of Maple Street towards the square.”

Grizzard said a crosswalk signal will be installed across Alabama Street in front of La Trattoria restaurant.

Presbyterian Avenue will be a one-way street from Maple Street into Bradley Street, according to Grizzard.

“Adding those underground conduits extended the project’s timetable, but we expect everything to be complete within a few weeks,” said Holland.

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