Bowdon High School Student Named One of Georgia’s 2017 Star English Learners

Pictured: (Left) Mrs. Annette Ingram, Star ESOL Teacher and (Right) Shrey Patel, 2017 Star English Learner Recipient.

(Carrollton, Ga. – April 28, 2017) Shrey Patel, senior at Bowdon High School, has been named one of Georgia’s 2017 Star English Learners. Patel was one of only six students statewide to receive this honor.

Patel nominated Mrs. Annette Ingram as his Star ESOL Teacher. Both Patel and Ingram will be recognized by State Superintendent, Richard Wood at the Georgia Department of Education’s annual “Excellence in Achievement” reception on May 10.

“Shrey Patel is a remarkable young man,” said Annette Ingram, ESOL Teacher at Bowdon High School. “He has chosen an extremely challenging program of study and has always exceeded expectations. It has been my great honor to be a small part of his success.”

The Georgia Department of Education (GADOE) seeks to identify and recognize Georgia’s English Learners and ESOL Educators for their Excellence in Achievement.

Each school system was asked to nominate outstanding senior English Learners for their accomplishments in school. The nominees had to satisfy specific GADOE qualifications and guidelines which included student achievement, extracurricular activities, attendance, and conduct.

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