New Green-Centric Student Housing Complex Seeks Approval

The Carrollton Planning Commission and City Council will soon hold a public hearing on the rezoning and annexation of property off Beulah Church Road for the purpose of the development of a new student-housing apartment complex, The Willows.

M.A.H. Land of Georgia, LLC is requesting the annexation and rezoning in order to begin construction on the project in the next 30-60 days.

The 20-acre parcel of land, located at 385 Beulah Church Road, is currently zoned as being outside of Carrollton city limits. Allan Legere, a developer on the project, says the company wants the land to be annexed into the city limits for water and sewer connection purposes.

According to City records, the M.A.H. Land of Georgia is also requesting a special use permit to increase the number of units allowed on the parcel from 6 units per acre to 8.62.

The company is requesting to have 168 apartment units with 14 buildings. Each building will contain 12 units.

“We’ve been working on this for two years, and the only way for us to be hooked up to water and sewer is to be annexed into the city limits,” said Legere.

Legere said his company is planning to develop The Willows as one of the greenest student apartment complexes in Carrollton.

“Our goal is to go green,” said Legere. “We want to be the greenest apartment buildings in Carrollton. The Willows will offer energy-saving features like solar power which will significantly cut down on the students’ energy costs.”

Legere also noted that his company plans to include a wide range of amenities on the 20-acre property.

“It’s in a great location, which is very secluded in a wooded area,” said Legere. “The property will have lots of trees and flowers. Our amenities will include an indoor and outdoor pool. We want students to have somewhere they can come and relax.”

Legere said The Willows will feature a volleyball court, and possibly a basketball court.

“We want this place to be somewhere that students are happy to come home to,” said Legere. “We want our residents to really feel good about living there.”

If the rezoning and annexation are approved, Legere said his company would hope to begin construction within the next 30-60 days. He said M.A.H. Land of Georgia hopes to have the project fully completed six months after construction begins.

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