Bypass Beautification Project Nears Completion

Donny Karr

Keep Carroll Beautiful’s Bypass Beautification Project is now underway at the Highway 27 overpass in Carrollton. The project includes planting a variety of trees and shrubs on the eastern side of the overpass, which will take place this week.

“This is something we’ve been working toward for a while, and we finally raised enough funds through our Hidden Garden Tour and Gala this year to go through with the project,” said Lindsay Pfau, executive director.

Keep Carroll Beautiful is a non-profit organization focused on green initiatives, recycling, litter prevention, as well as educating members of the local community on how they can create and maintain a beautiful community for future generations.

Keep Carroll Beautiful is working alongside the City of Carrollton, as well as the Carroll County Board of Commissioners to coordinate efforts to complete the beautification.

“The county has agreed to take care of all the grading on the site, and the city has agreed to maintain the bypass after everything is complete,” said Pfau. “We’re really glad that everything is coming together so we can finally finish the beautification project.”
Pfau said all landscaping needs for the project are being fulfilled by Archstone, Inc.

“The purpose for doing this beautification project is to provide a better future for our children here in Carrollton and Carroll County,” said John Ingle, director of community affairs. “There’s only so much we can do right now to help their future, but right now, what we’re doing is just like planting a seed.”

Pfau said that any funds remaining after the project is complete will be devoted to other beautification projects in nearby communities.

Keep Carrollton Beautiful is currently involved in a number of local efforts, including recently providing more than 100 recycling bins to school classrooms.
“We have a lot of things we’re working on right now and we are always open to welcome volunteers and donations for our projects,” said Pfau. “One of the things we are advocating in the month of December is the proper disposal of Christmas trees. Residents can dispose of Christmas trees by taking them to any Carroll County convenience center, or through use of curbside pickup.”

To learn more about Keep Carroll Beautiful, and how to participate in donation and volunteer opportunities, visit

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