Bremen City Schools Project Updates

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From David Hicks, Superintendent of Bremen City Schools:

“The construction of the new high school gymnasium is going well. At this point, we are on schedule and at the latest, hope to have it complete early December of 2016. Financially, we are within budget and thus far, we fully anticipate finishing it at or under budget.

“The new artificial turf at the high school stadium is complete as well as new visitor side bleachers. We are very excited about our kids enjoying our new stadium in the coming year. The new Paul Saylor Memorial and Veterans Scoreboard is under construction and will be complete by the start of the football season. In addition, we added a 500 seat capacity bleacher to our middle school track/field. This will enable more fans to comfortably sit during events at that location.

“Local ESPLOST dollars, some state dollars, and funds generated through fundraising are being utilized for the construction of all of these projects. No local property tax is being used.

“We appreciate the continuous support of our parents and community and look forward to our kids enjoying all of these new features to our campuses.”

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