Temple Middle School Participates in the Cherokee Rose Writing Project

writing project

(Carrollton, Ga. ­ March 9, 2016) Two Temple Middle School ELA/Literature teachers, Liz Banks and Kelly Sharpe, will participate in the upcoming summer Cherokee Rose Writing Project at the University of West Georgia. They are participating in the summer institute in hopes of bringing more exciting writing instruction to their classrooms. Writing is one of the most heavily weighted components of the Georgia Milestones, and students need to be comfortable and fluent with all genres and formats. Many students are reluctant writers, but these two teachers go to any lengths to find ways to motivate and encourage them. Ms. Banks said, “I am most looking forward to the learning around using digital technology in the classroom.” Pictured are Ms. Kelly Sharpe, Mrs. Gail Parmer, TMS Principal, and Ms. Liz Banks.

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