Haralson County Commission Dedicated to Economic Development

Haralson County Funds ED_2016

February 23, 2016 – Waco, GA

The Haralson County Commission dropped off their first $50,000 check of the $100,000 committed to fund economic development in Haralson County for 2016. This will be the first time the county government has directly funded the effort to attract jobs and private investment in over 12 years. Development Authority of Haralson County Chairman Donny Boswell says, “This shows true dedication to increasing the economic well being of Haralson county residents by making economic development a funded priority.”

Commission Chairman Allen Poole said, “We must bring the community together and focus on bringing new industry to our community. Our people need the jobs and tax relief that come with a successful economic development program. We are committed to doing our part in this effort.”

“Part of the funding will go toward an increased industrial attraction effort that will include aggressive marketing and outreach to show Haralson County as a great place to do business. The Authority has been living out of the reserve fund for many years, tying its hands in a very competitive field” Eric McDonald, President/CEO of the Greater Haralson Chamber of Commerce stated.
The funding is provided as a County budget allocation to the Development Authority of Haralson County, whose members are chosen by the County Commission. The Authority is partnering with the Greater Haralson Chamber of Commerce to implement the Grow Haralson strategic plan that is focused on bringing $250,000,000 of private investment, 1500 new jobs and over $30,000,000 of new payroll to the county by 2022.

For more information about the Grow Haralson strategic plan or the Development Authority of Haralson County, please contact Eric McDonald at 770-537-5594.

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