Villa Rica Elementary Teacher Awarded Bright Ideas Grant

Bright Ideas (1)


(Carrollton, Ga. – January 12, 2016) Villa Rica Elementary School music teacher, Geoffrey Harden, has

been awarded a $1000 Carroll EMC Bright Ideas Grant to fund innovative and creative educational

projects in his classroom. Carroll EMC awards grants of up to $1000 to public school educators,

teaching in grades pre-K through 12th, for classroom projects in a variety of subjects.


Mr. Harden received his grant to purchase new Orff instruments for the music classroom. The Orff

instruments to be purchased are soprano and alto xylophones. These new instruments will allow more

students to play in the classroom. These new instruments will also give a more full sound for ensemble



This is the fifth year in a row that Mr. Harden has been awarded a Bright Ideas grant.

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