Mt. Zion Middle School Hosts First Annual Art Camp


(Carrollton, Ga. – June 18, 2015) M​t. Zion Middle hosted the first Annual Mt. Zion Cluster Art Camp on June 3, 2015. Mrs. Eva Morgan, Art Teacher at Mt. Zion Middle and Mrs. Felicia Henderson, Paraprofessional at Mt. Zion Elementary, worked together to provide students with a day of Art experience in which students worked with a variety of mediums to create art projects. The day was broken into four sessions with students working with printmaking, objects found in nature and creating animal art using various materials in sessions 1 and 2. During session 3 a students used the works of Claude Monet and Georgia O’Keefe to explore and inspire their imagination to create watercolor flowers. Session 4 focused on the Pop Art culture pulling from artists like Andy Warhol to create Pop Art using materials to create their own Pop Art.

Students in grades 4th-8th participated in this day long free camp. Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. Henderson hope to expand the camp next year and additionally add a camp for adults interested in learning more about art.

Carroll County Schools Press Release

Release Date July 13 2015

Contact: Tracy Harris

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