Zimmer Wins Carrollton City Schools Spelling Bee

Courtesy: Carrollton City Schools
Courtesy: Carrollton City Schools

CARROLLTON, GA – Believe it or not, there are not many situations as stressful as competing in a spelling bee. These 10 students, grades fourth through eighth, participated in the Carrollton City Schools spelling bee Feb. 5 following earlier competitions in their home schools. The district winner? One of the youngest – fourth grader Mark Zimmer. Front row, from left, are Grace Reid and Caro Dudley, fifth grade; district champion Mark Zimmer, fourth grade; Adam Olivieri, sixth grade; Jalynn Sanders, fourth grade. Back row: Matthew Morris, seventh grade; Katy Nixon and Asa Awbry, eighth grade; Mecose Todd, seventh grade; and Andrew Stagliano, sixth grade.

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