Carroll County Schools Visit 19th Annual Heritage Day Event

Carroll County Schools
Carroll County Schools

(Carrollton, Ga. – September 25, 2014) Heritage Days is an educational program designed to give students an up-close look at their heritage past. Teachers are encourage to use this program as an opportunity to accompany their curriculum in the classroom. The program will be held at the Ag Center located at 900 Newnan Road in Carrollton on September 25th and 26th.This year over 1200 Carroll County 4th grade Students will tour the 19th-century farmstead and experience life on the farm. There will be a variety of demonstrations and exhibits tentatively including soap and candle making, butter churning, quilting, blacksmiths, antique tractors and farm equipment, draft horses and mules, Native Americans, Revolutionary and Civil War history, mountain man, and farm animals. A visit to our refurbished 1900s-era one-room schoolhouse will help your students visualize what it was like to attend classes before the era of computers and air conditioning. The event is organized by UGA Extension Carroll County. Carroll County Master Gardeners and American Legion Post 143 are key organizations involved with the planning committee.

Contact: Tracy Harris, Administrative Assistant to Superintendent

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