Teacher Discovers the Chemistry of Art

Chemistry of Art

(Carrollton, Ga. – July 9, 2014) In June, Villa Rica Middle School Science Teacher, Mrs. Dorothy Jones was selected to participate in the Chemistry and Art Professional Development Workshop, presented by
the University of West Georgia. This workshop facilitated by Dr. Anne Gaquere-Parker, provided science teachers in grades 6-12 with laboratory experiences integrating art & chemistry.

Art is a great way to contextualize topics in chemistry when teaching middle and high school science. During this two-week workshop participants were shown the connection between chemistry and art by attending mini-lectures, performing laboratory experiments, reviewing the literature and discussing with college faculty and participants who have successfully implemented this approach in their own curriculum. Mrs. Jones will continue the hands-on experiments in the UWG & Clark Atlanta University Science Labs on three Saturdays throughout the fall semester.

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