Mt. Zion High School Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) Help Students in Ghana
(Carrollton, Ga. – April 17, 2014) The Mt. Zion Fellowship of Christian Athletes, FCA, began gathering soccer balls at the end of last school year to send to Ghana, West Africa to aid in the growth of Christianity. Mt Zion High School’s FCA representative, John Lattimer, does mission work in Ghana and carried the soccer balls with him on his most recent trip. The Mt. Zion FCA will continue to collect and send soccer balls throughout the year. It is a privilege for the young student-athletes at MZHS to be a part of such a wonderful cause.
Scott K. Cowart Superintendent
164 Independence Drive Carrollton, GA 30116
Phone: 770-832-3568 Fax: 770-834-639
Contact: Tracy Harris, Administrative Assistant to Superintendent