Blue Steakhouse Closed


Blue Goes Black!
Since Blue Steakhouse has been so closely linked with the world of music with its painting of such Blue’s icons as Louis Armstrong on the side of the building, then we turn to one of those icons to update you on Blue Steakhouse. Let us turn to the infamous words of Ella Fitzgerald when in 1965 she sang:

“Every time we say goodbye, I die a little. Every time we say goodbye, I wonder why a little.”

It is time for Blue to say Goodbye. This coming Saturday, March 22, 2014 Blue Steakhouse will close its doors, at the end of business, for the last time; Blue will go black. For you wonderful customers who have supported us, shared your life with us, who have laughed with us and yes even cried with us and we know that you now share with us that with this goodbye we all die a little.

Blue has always maintained an atmosphere of that great little place in the corner of the square that allows us all to get away for just a little while. Helped us meet new people and even helped us say goodbye to some. Helped us celebrate special occasions and unforgettable holidays. There is no way around it; Blue has become part of the history of Carrollton and its wonderful community. There have been great times and even rough times at Blue, but most of all there was always funny times within those decorative exposed bricks and that bar that somehow transformed us to a period in Carrollton’s history that seemed peaceful and yet innocent.

Ella Fitzgerald sang it best when she said: “Every time we say goodbye, I wonder why a little,” Well many things have helped Blue make a wise and educated exit from the world of food in Carroll County. First, Carrollton is growing; for this fact we are happy, but with the infiltration of chain facilities the uniqueness and nostalgia of locally owned restaurants in quaint little corners of historical buildings seems to go the way of the wind. In the end, there were many changes that brought about location insecurities and questions. This brought about concerns for Blue of whether we would even be allowed to continue in the current location; so the determination was made to say goodbye, before hearing the word. Arrangements has been made to redeem gift certification for the next thirty days by calling Blue at: 770-838-5559.

It has been said: “I am glad I found the GOOD in goodbye!” We feel the same way; there has been a tremendous amount of good that has come from Blue being a part of the community. We have all grown and found memories that will last a life time. We are stronger people, which have shared in a piece of history. We have found the GOOD in goodbye.

We have not failed, we have succeeded and for this we will celebrate. Please come out Friday and Saturday; March 21 & 22, 2014 and help us say goodbye in a celebratory way with the wonderful entertainment of Sam & Joel on Friday night and the incredible DJ skills of Jason Sparks on Saturday night. Our staff will all be on hand to spend time with you, to have fun with you and to say goodbye to you. We would love to see you and say goodbye.

“How lucky we are to have something that makes saying GOODBYE so hard!”

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