The estimated start date on the renovation of the Murphy Building at UWG is mid August. The renovation project will provide more than 25,000 square feet for Online programs which include USG Collaborative Programs and UWG Online. Also included will be university Admissions. The former athletic office and training facility will be repurposed and renovated to provide office and production space for a huge number of people that help support the UWG Online faculty,students, and the administrative functions of eCore and eMajor programs. This building will be a welcoming environment for prospective students as well. The facility will include a technology enhanced auditorium which will be dedicated to faculty training online, lifelong learning, continuing educations, and admission presentations. The Murphy Athletic Field-house was originally built in 1980. A separate 3 story wing was constructed between 1993 and 1995. The renovation will begin soon and has an estimated cost at 2.6 million dollars.