How can we help children manage and control their thoughts, actions, and emotions to achieve goals? This involves abilities such as planning, organizing, focusing attention, regulating impulses, and adapting to new situations. This academic year, Carrollton Middle School implemented a novel course aimed at equipping students with essential mental skills, fostering their ability to make informed decisions and solve problems effectively.
The ‘Approaches to Learning’ class at CMS aims to foster a wide range of skills contributing to students’ success in academics, sports activities, and the outside world.
In the class, CMS teacher Rachel Gober helps students learn various skills, including identifying personal strengths, setting achievable goals, managing weekly tasks while making time for sports and leisure, improving flexible thinking and communication, incorporating figurative language in writing, handling working memory, boosting long-term memory with mnemonic devices, effective highlighting, organizing thoughts through information sorting, and utilizing diverse note-taking strategies.
Approximately 65 sixth graders, 50 seventh graders, and 40 eighth graders are enrolled in the course. An estimated 300 students will have participated in the course by the end of the school year.
“The most rewarding part of teaching this class is crafting something specific to the needs of the students at CMS,” said Gober. “I love interacting with the kids on the demonstration days. In many cases, students will note that the strategies are helpful. It’s rewarding to feel like I am providing students with important life skills.”
CMS Principal Eric Simmons said he is excited to offer this class at his school to help prepare his students for life.
“At CMS, we believe in cultivating well-rounded individuals, and the success of ‘Approaches to Learning’ shows our commitment to offering students a comprehensive education,” said Simmons. “With a focus on differentiation, the course acknowledges each student’s unique learning style and helps prepare them not only for academic success but also equipping them with adaptability for life’s challenges.”