Chairman Michelle Morgan is excited to appoint to Keith West and Will Hobson to roles within the Elections and Registration Office and is grateful for the time, effort, and energy placed into these roles by now retired Elections Supervisor Greg Rigby who served in the role since 2015 and Election and Registration Manager Carolyn Driver who has served since 2013. Both Greg and Carolyn have helped navigate local officials and citizens through many years of election cycles here in Carroll County. Carolyn’s hard work in the elections office has paved the way for these new hires to step into these roles that have been mapped out for them and we are excited that through her continued dedication that she has agreed to assist in their training process as we move forward into the new year.
Elections Supervisor Keith West is a familiar face in Carroll County and within Carroll County government as he currently assists the Finance Director in reporting for the Judicial ARPA grant and has a passion for local government. Keith is a Temple native, has been a local business owner and holds a bachelor’s degree of Business Administration from Milligan College. He has a strong background in accounting and management and serves as the Treasurer and former Past President of the Bowdon Kiwanis Club, is a member of Bowdon Baptist Church, and served on the Executive Committee for the Carroll County Chamber of Commerce. “I look forward to this new role and the challenges it can present, I have a lot to learn, but I bring a lot to the table, and I am excited to work with the Board of Elections, Board of Commissioners, poll workers, and staff. My goal is to continue to maintain the integrity of elections in Carroll County.” Keith West said in a statement.
Election and Registration Manager Will Hobson is a Carrollton native who majored in English at Presbyterian College and has worked as an Assistant Poll Manager for Carroll County since 2020. Will was recruited by Ms. Majorie Aldridge to work in her precinct at Oak Grove where he clerked and eventually became the Poll Manager. He has also worked in Roopville, Bethany, and Tabernacle precincts as Assistant Manager. “I have consistently worked at nearly every early voting opportunity doing every job imaginable, both in working with the public and in working with the election data, forms, and absentee ballots. This opportunity has given me an invaluable crash course in customer service and in PR, especially in an environment where tensions can run high. It is hard work, but I had so much fun working with the people there and knowing what I am doing is a vital part of our community.” Will stated. “In short, I love my community, and I love doing the work that goes into making sure that things run smoothly, ensuring that Carroll County remains a wonderful place to live and vote.” He continued.
In addition to serving as a Poll Manager, Will is a staff member at the local Woodland Christian Camp in Temple, serves as a traveling Judge for the Carrollton High School Debate Team, and is Co-Chair of the Presbyterian College Conduct and Ethics Board.
Chairman Michelle Morgan stated, “It was important to me when seeking individuals to fill these vital roles that we appoint Carroll County residents. I want citizens to have continued trust in our local elections and see these familiar faces who hold these leadership roles in the grocery store, church, and restaurants. I am very excited to watch them both grow in these positions and look forward to working with them.”