2 Holiday Shop N’ Sips Planned on Main Street

The City of Dallas Main Street Program has planned two Holiday Shop & Sips! Come out for two Holiday Shop & Sips planned in Downtown Dallas on Main Street; join us Friday, December 15th and Friday, December 22nd until 8pm.

You are invited to join us for two festive evenings on Main Street in Downtown Dallas. Your favorite businesses on Main Street will be open until 8pm on Friday, December 15th and Friday, December 21st for your shopping pleasure! Hibachi World will be set up in the Main Street parking lot ready to serve you dinner. Bring your friends and family, grab some dinner, take your holiday photos at the Christmas tree in the courtyard, and at the Festival of Trees located at the gazebo, and get your holiday gifts all in one convenient trip, or two! 

Make an evening out of the night by attending the Dallas Theater’s A Christmas Carol on December 15th or a free showing of It’s a Wonderful Life on December 22nd. Visit https://dallastheaterga.com/ to learn more.

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