Community Foundation of West Georgia Issues $312,000 to 30 Local Nonprofit Organizations

A total of 30 nonprofit organizations in Carroll, Haralson and Heard counties received $312,000 today from the Community Foundation of West Georgia’s Community Impact Fund and Innovation Grant programs.“The Community Impact Fund is unrestricted in its power to unleash the potential of all kinds of agencies, causes and areas of interest here in our community,” said Kim Jones, president of the Foundation. “The fund is made possible by many generous donors, and because the fund is endowed, every donation not only contributes once, but the contribution grows and continues to give forever.” Since the first grants were issued from the Community Impact Fund in 2004, more than $5.3 million has been distributed to local organizations, including the InnovationGrants. Funds are distributed through an annual competitive grant process as six panels of local citizens consider requests, assist the Foundation in the review and analysis of the applications and make recommendations to the Foundation Board of Directors.

Local nonprofit organizations, faith-based and government agencies are eligible to apply for grants, supporting art and culture, economic development, education, environmental, human services, medical and hospice.

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