Central High School Students Earn College Board Honors

Pictured from left to right standing in front is Abigail Atkins, Maya Jones, Allison Haney, Gracie Warren, Annabelle Turpin, Lizzie Long, Emanuel Armira, Briana Smith, and Megan Bullock. Standing behind is Jessi Dalton, Michele Presley, Huck Maxwell, Isabella Jackson, Lauren Janowiak, Mary Lois Griffis, Breanna Cloninger, and Hannah Gibbs.

For the third year in a row, the College Board, the nonprofit organization formed to expand and coordinate college entrance examinations, recognized Central High School students with the National Rural and Small Town Award through their National Recognition Program called Big Futures. Students receiving the honor are Abigail Atkins, Maya Jones, Allison Haney, Gracie Warren, Annabelle Turpin, Lizzie Long, Emanuel Armira, Briana Smith, Megan Bullock, Jessi Dalton, Michele Presley, Huck Maxwell, Isabella Jackson, Lauren Janowiak, Mary Lois Griffis, Breanna Cloninger, and Hannah Gibbs. Briana Smith received a second honor and was also selected for the National African American Recognition Award.

College Board programs celebrate students’ hard work in high school and showcase their strong academic performance. These academic honors for students increases the opportunity to share their strong academic achievements with colleges and scholarship programs that are seeking to recruit diverse talent. 

“Each year Central High School has increased the number of students earning recognition by the College Boards’ Big Futures program,” said Principal Mr. Kelly Edwards. He continued, “The credit for the increased number of students recognized goes to our teachers and students. Learning and success go hand-in-hand here at Central High School. I’m very proud of our accomplishments.”

Criteria for the national awards includes having a grade point average of 3.5 or higher, scoring in the top 10% on the PSAT or SAT in their class or earning a score of 3 or higher on two or more Advanced Placement exams. 

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